
Off with the shoes

I am so vain right now. Just got an absolutely gorgeous pedicure and just can't help staring at my feet. They have ceased to be the trunks I used to get from place to place, instead they are these strong, pretty, absolutely feet-turning material that seem to hop, skip, jump and strut.
It has been raining incessantly yesterday and truth be told, I loved the weather. It was like a passport to grab a book, a hot cuppa and curl up in my pajamas and a really really warm blanket. My book of choice "Pride and Prejudice" of course. Real good authors are people who are able to make the reader believe that the character in the book was based on them and the reader is just like the hero or heroine of the novel. Jane austen is amazing in "Pride and Prejudice" in that way. I would love to imagine myself as Elizabeth Bennet. I was ofcourse considering my really obsessive reading habit in equal parts, the Proud Bennet, the tomboyish Jo in Little women, the hot tempered Darell rivers of Malory Towers, The brave george of Famous Five and countless more. It was fun to be someone else, fun to don new characters and live the lives of these really famous people. But then I was young and I thought MJ was really really cool. Growing up, I had to figure out something much more complicated than any story plot, I had to find out who the real me was. Beneath these layers and layers of Character borrowing, was someone I had never met, the real me. I am yet to find out a million things about myself and every step I take I discover something about me, a change in attitude or feeling perhaps. It is not easy finding out who we really are and what we really want in life. Time takes with it changes in people, perceptions, attitudes, friends, goals, ambitions, dreams and life. I am just more adaptable to change than I ever was. It feels good to walk in my own shoes for a change. I still have foot problems and the places where the shoes bit me when they were relatively new bears scars, but somewhere in the midst of all those my preety pedicured feet gives out a sigh and sinks into the relative comfort of something familiar, something, which inspite of adjustments will remain for most part the good old shoes, I found on a trodden path when I walked bare foot.

2 Borrowed my shoes:

That Girl said...

ive been babying my feet alot now that im home most of the time.. then i have to go out again... gah.

Cacophoenix said...

Shoe to Grafxgurl: I know, I have been looking down every 15 minutes to make sure they look as pretty as they did when I got out. I ended up bumping into two people, and one concerned kid assured me that my feet were alright:))