
Work or Not!!

The thing that bugs me the most about days heralding the approach of winter, is the fact that I have to no matter what, drag myself out of bed early and study. It is especially hard when the climate is best suited for a hot cup of tea and a real good book, while warming my tootsies inside a huge warm quilt. Today is such a day and I have to submit my work by the weekend. I read a quote by someone wise the other day " It is work only when you have something else to do". Seems applicable. I am happy reading the books that I need to work on. I am just not happy writing about them. Anyway fretting and sighing aside I have to do work and yeah I do have plenty of better things in mind that I could be doing.

4 Borrowed my shoes:

karmic said...

I know what you mean. Do you get up before or does he? If he does have him make the cuppa chai. :)

At our place I get up early so it's always my thing to do.

Good luck with turning in the assignment. :)

BTW what time did you get up? If it makes you feel better my weekdays begin at 3:45 am.

Cacophoenix said...

3.45!!! Whoa..I feel better already;-) My early is actually relatively early. I try waking up by 6.00. It is early because I am a sworn owl. I can study better in the stillness of the night, when I don't have the light of the morning sun and the pretty looking world distracting me..

Shruti said...

i can feel the same ..when you have to start ur day early with a cup of tea which is actually prepared by urself only...

karmic said...

Am not a night person and never been, maybe I just work better after a night's sleep?