
Huh!! where am I

WoooooooooHooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! I am an aunt. Yey!!! My sister in law just had a baby boy. Nine months and so many lives are going to be changed so dramatically. This is awesome. I am determined to be the best darn aunt that boy is ever going to have, which brings me to the question...What are aunts supposed to do? I am also sitting thousands of miles across the pretty world.

3 Borrowed my shoes:

M (tread softly upon) said...

LOl... i had the exact same reaction when my cousin had a little baby boy. And i wanted to be the best aunt ever. Really cool and the kind kids love :))
Congrats to your sis and GL to you :)

karmic said...

Congratulations to you and your loved ones.

Cacophoenix said...

Thank you, Thank you very much !!!