
I live my Life.

I had holidays, winter break from school, from life in general.

I saw a squirrel rummaging for that last nut, the bird dragging a worm from hibernation, the smoke that comes out of my piping hot morning coffee. I smelt the gentle aroma of my freshly laundered clothes, I saw the wind in the trees, I heard the clank of the letter box at mid day when my postman comes, I smiled at the slow ballad the day dances with the night sky before the sun leaves the blushing sky behind, the north star which follows me home and the hum of the engine as it comes to a rest in my garage. I sighed at the welcoming smell of hot food and burning incense as I step through the doors, the enthusiastic greeting I get, I closed my eyes contended at the warmth of a beating heart on which I lay my head and the gentle kiss on my head.

0 Borrowed my shoes: