
Bells and Whistles


Do we idolize celebrities so much that we ignore basic laws of the land? Are the celebrities so into themselves that they blatantly ignore basic laws of the land. A celebrity almost deified in the country, a sitting Rajya Sabha MP, an industrialist, a citizen journalist, an international actor who is known to work in orphanages and for child causes, an MP of a leading party and none of them bothered to step up and say this is not right. Hundreds of news stories covering the event and none except this one even bothered to mention it. Did we just go overboard in our ridiculous following of people whose claim to fame are a few titles and n number of movies. They talk about racism in and outside country and yet when it comes to their own land, no one speaks up.

I am not a big fan of the entertainment industry, nor a feminist fighting for equal rights, but something doesn't strike me right when a revered actor says his to be daughter in law, the most beautiful woman in the world, the woman who supposedly put bollywood in the international arena, who has acted in a movie on spousal abuse, who represents India outside is "Domesticated and homely". http://in.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2007-01-27T181555Z_01_NOOTR_RTRJONC_0_India-285228-2.xml&archived=False

Is it so important that a woman be domesticated and homely before getting married? Isn't a woman's achievements of no importance or is it considered rare for a woman of so many achievements to also know how to make dal roti. I don't know. I just feel that the media is horribly misguided and the stars who can take the high road and probably set an example for people who follow their every step too caught up in the melee.

3 Borrowed my shoes:

Zoya said...

Hi :) I stumbled upon your blog half an hour ago. I like your spirit. I have linked you on my blog.

Cacophoenix said...

Thanks a lot for linking me.

Sai said...

I absolutely agree about AB calling his future d-i-l that...most importantly the wrong choice of words....was aishwarya in the wild and has now been domesticated and another thing "homely" means "unattractive or lacking refinement"